Jean-Charles Le Tousey

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Why are my live regions not working?

Live regions have a reputation for being 'flaky' and inconsistent. While this can be attributed in part to shortcomings in current implementations, the problem can also be caused by developers misunderstanding how live regions are intended to work.


slash pages

Slash pages are common pages you can add to your website, usually with a standard, root-level slug like /now, /about, or /uses. They tend to describe the individual behind the site and are distinguishing characteristics of the IndieWeb.



Tornis est une bibliothèque JavaScript minimale qui surveille l'état de la fenêtre de votre navigateur, vous permettant de répondre chaque fois que quelque chose change. Voyez Tornis comme un magasin pour de fenêtre de visualisation.


Diving into the ::before and ::after Pseudo-Elements / Coder's Block

Cet article est une mine d'or sur ce que l'on peut faire avec les pseudo elements ::before et ::after. Nous pouvons les utiliser de manière décorative mais aussi pour afficher des guillemets, pour afficher les attributs d'un élément HTML, pour jouer avec des images, pour remplacer du contenu, pour contrôler la mise en page et bien plus.


How to display language-specific quotes in CSS

Pour les <blockquote>, il est possible avec du CSS, d'afficher les guillemets en fonction de la langue de l'utilisateur.


WebC Starter Kit

Un projet de démarrage pour Eleventy (11ty) et utilisant WebC comme language principal de templates. Il inclut aussi un traitement des ressources aux choix affirmés et quelques autres gadgets.


8 top Docker tips tricks for 2024

Whether you’re a Docker expert or new to the Docker community, you may be wondering about the best ways to optimize or get started quicker on Docker. As a Docker Captain and a Senior DevOps Engineer, I’ve been using Docker for more than six years, and I’m looking forward to some thrilling updates in 2024!

In this post, I’m excited to share my top 8 tips and tricks for Docker that I’ve gathered through real-world experience and insider knowledge.


Modern CSS For Dynamic Component-Based Architecture

Today, we will explore modern project architecture, emphasizing theming, responsive layouts, and component design. We'll learn about features to improve code organization and dig into layout techniques such as grid and container queries. Finally, we'll review real-world examples of context-aware components that use cutting-edge CSS techniques. You're sure to be inspired to expand your CSS skills and ready to create scalable, future-friendly web projects.


Départ pour le retour en France après deux semaines intensives de stage d'alimentation de NoTube.

C'est une réussite pour notre fille qui n'a plus sa sonde nasogastrique (jusqu'à maintenant) !


Premier jour sans sa sonde nasogastrique pour notre fille et elle a l'air de gérer 💪


La maison NoTube vue depuis la rue

Premier jour, à NoTube, pour ce qui pourrait peut-être changer la vie de notre fille 🤞


Un an (à peine dépassé)

Il est temps de faire une rétrospective maintenant que mon site a fêté son premier anniversaire, en juin 2023. Une chose est sûre, je m’attendais à mieux.



UI components powered by Finite State Machines. A collection of framework-agnostic UI component patterns like accordion, menu, and dialog that can be used to build design systems for React, Vue and Solid.js


box-decoration-break helps to define how elements should be rendered across lines

How to style an element which breaks accross several lines


How to detect disabled javascript in css

You can now react with CSS media queries to disabled Javascript and not only with the <noscript> tag.


With the release of the #11ty v2 and the native integration of the i18n plugin, it's time for me to clean the way I manage #internationalization on my site.

Here is a great resource from @lene to get started to implement the explicit localization in #Eleventy



When is :focus-visible visible?

The different use cases for focus and focus-visible


What to expect from your framework

There's been a bit of a brouhaha these last weeks as parts of the Internet suddenly woke up to the realization that most Single Page Apps are slow and overcomplicated, and — shock horror — it turns out that Facebook, the lovable scamps that brought us React and QAnon, have conducted themselves badly! Refreshingly, rather than launching a thousand caustic subtweets, this little stormwind has caused the blog posts to start flying again. Thank you, Elon “Vain gobshite” Musk. I'm totally here for it.


Thoughts on My Publishing Workflow

Description of the many concerns when managing a site with a static site generator.


Some simple ways to make content look good

Description of the process to make a page "look good". From the foundations to the finishing touches.